Low use of salt is important?
Analysts said that people should be taught to enhance the delicacy of food rather than relish and increase the use of various spices and bees.
According to the medical experts, those who learn to coke learn to cook nicely, but with the help of new recipes, they also lead to reducing the amount of salt in daily foods.
Analysts said that people should be taught that the delicacy of food should be enhanced by the use of different spices and herbs instead of salt, thus the taste of food is not destroyed, as this method is to keep salt in its food with its desire. It has become more useful for the endeavors.
Chill Anderson, professor of University of California, San Diego, is also the author of this study, saying, "People should learn to cook a variety of ways so that they will get control over their diet."
Professor Anderson said that people often do not estimate how much the use of spices can use delicious food. The food trend in our food has been moving gradually. We have a taste of food. Try to get salt and increase the amount of sodium in your diet.
This research has been presented in a Diego's American Institute of Scientific Meetings in 2014, which states that salt addiction can manipulate high blood pressure, which is likely to suffer lateral and diseases. Also increases
During a four-week observation, investigators provided only 55 volunteers with low sodium nutrients in the diet.
The second phase of this observation
In the second phase of this observation, half of the participants were included in a learning group for 20 weeks, aimed at reducing the amount of sodium and eating it with participants' foods using the spices in the menus. Recommended daily diet It was to be set up to 1500 millimeters when the remaining participants decided to reduce sodium itself.
As a result of the first phase, it was found that the amount of daily sodium of participants fell from 3,450 mm to 1,656 mm, but in the second phase those who were part of the learning class, eat 966 mg of sodium or salt in a day.
Professor Anderson said that those who were taught cooking in the observation, during a cooking demonstration, they chose very well to keep the amount of salt in the diet.
Commenting on the report, the British High Blood Pressure 'Association spokesperson told Milan Online that people should not add salt while cooking, but also do not use soy sauce and stock cobbles. They have plenty of salt in them. Although the excessive taste of foods can be obtained from spices, lime juice, ginger and fresh herbs or dry spices.
In the beginning, you will find lousy taste without salt but you do not lose your courage in the past few weeks, and you will be able to absorb the salt and use it in a minimal amount.
According to the British Department of Health, if every person reduces the amount of salt from his diet (at speed), then 4,147 potential deaths can be stopped each year.
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